About this course

Over the years, the complexity, amount and type of information encapsulated in PDF files has expanded and evolved rapidly. Along with the increase of the e-documents, the need to check the authenticity increased as well.

This course objective is to examine and investigate e-documents and how to interpret the outcomes.

After completion of this 3-day training, one will be able to set up a matrix for predictably searching a PDF document and interpreting the results obtained. A lot of practical assignments are used during the training. Candidates can provide (released) examples from their practical environment which can be analysed during the lessons.


After completion of the course, the student will receive the corresponding certificate if the result is satisfactory.

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Course content

During the course the following topics will be discussed:

Day 1

The first day you start with a short introduction, what do we already know about PDF?

Introduction (including theoretical and practical exercises)
  • The origin of PDF
  •  Evolution of PDF
  •  Tool and skills to make and edit PDF
  •  Different types of PDF
  •  Legal guidelines and PDF (Web)
  •  Operating systems in relation to e-documents
  •  Checking PDF files
Day 2

During the 2nd day of classes, the following topics will be covered;

  • Using the Preflight (including theoretical and practical exercises)
  • Image in a PDF, which image formats are used? How do you determine image formats in a PDF?
  • Presentation; the preparation of a flowchart for the search of PDF documents.
Day 3

During this final course day, much of the focus will be on securing PDF documents using certificates and the various encryption algorithms and processing a large number of PDF documents.

• Various assignments; including drawing up a checklist on which a PDF should and can be checked and using the checklist created.

Securing e-documents;
• Different encryption protocols.
• Types of encryption
• Recognition of encryption.
•Practical analysis of different types of e-documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the admission requirements?

MBO working and thinking level/span>.

Do I have to purchase learning materials myself?

IDcentre provides the necessary learning materials.

Do I receive a certificate?

After completion of the course, the student will receive the corresponding certificate if the result is satisfactory.

Do I have to pay for the course in advance?

No, the course fee will be charged afterwards. Payment in installments is also possible, we request that you contact IDcentre for this.

Are there subsidiary options?

There are possibilities for deduction of study costs. For these conditions, we refer you to the website of the tax authorities (in Dutch “Belastingdienst”).

How many teaching moments can I miss?

All course days must be completed for each course. If you cannot follow a class, please contact IDcentre. Regarding the courses, the advice is not to miss a single lesson but if this is the case, please contact IDcentre so that a suitable solution can be found.

How many self study hours are involved?

This course requires no self study hours.

Interested in our training courses or need advice?


After completion of the course, the student will receive the corresponding certificate if the result is satisfactory.