IDcentre is officieel Partnership Academy van Frontex. For more than 15 years, IDcentre has been developing and delivering training on behalf of Frontex. Together with the Koninklijke Marechaussee, IDcentre is shaping the ALDO (Advanced Level Document Officer) and the ECSID (European Course for Specialists on Identity and Security Documents).
Advanced Level Document Officer Course (ALDO)
In cooperation with the Koninklijke Marechaussee, IDcentre provides the ” Advanced Level Document Officer Course”, level 4-5, on behalf of Frontex. This course, focused on document examination with a duration of 2 weeks, is a successor qualification profile within the pyramidal training structure to the basic training (1st level) provided at national level. The competence development profile aims to give participants a deeper understanding of the structure of identity documents and their verification. The course is designed entirely in line with the Sectorial Qualification (SQF) which is used as the European standard.
Europese cursus voor specialisten in identiteits- en veiligheidsdocumenten (ECSID)
The “European Course for Specialists on Identity and security Documents”, level 6-7, is provided entirely by IDcentre and, in its pyramidal structure, is a successor qualification profile to the “Advanced Level Document Officer Course” (ALDO). This course covers a 3-month period and has several stages in which the participant is demonstrably and measurably qualified as an expert. The course has a so-called adaptive curriculum which means that the content of the course depends on learning objectives that are current. This creates a high degree of flexibility that allows the participants to be provided with the most up-to-date information. The course concludes by writing a paper highlighting a national topic from which recommendations can be made.